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Monday, March 29, 2010

Bible-supported assholery

I was thinking in going to sleep without writing anything, but there was so much material that I couldn't do that.

Humanity has been full of assholes since its beginning. However, lately, many of these have had their assholery based in the Bible. Yeah, the bible, said to be the perfect, the word of God, pure truth, etc, etc, etc. Here, some examples:

Militia Members Charged in Cop-Killing Plot

Nine suspects tied to a Christian militia in the Midwest are charged with conspiring to kill police officers, then attack a funeral in the hopes of killing more law enforcement personnel, federal prosecutors said Monday.

On its Web site, Hutaree quotes several Bible passages and states: "We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ. ... Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment."

When we talk about Christian assholes, the first image that pops in our minds are usually Pat Robertson, or the Westboro Baptist Church. But these two, while hateful and proud of it, wouldn't go out an kill anybody (that is left to the idiots influenced by them). But this Christian militia actually was planning to kill people, policemen, nonetheless. Policemen have to face terrible situations everyday, and also are targeted by these christian wackos. Furthermore, they say Jesus wanted that; if that's so, then fuck Jesus.

Another example:

Veteran Dallas County jail guard fired over comments

In October, he interrupted a private conversation among jail staff and "interjected his own opinions," telling them all gays should be annihilated, sheriff's reports show. He also said that whites were the superior race and that he supported slavery, reports show.

Johnson said the Bible supported his opinions, reports show.

That counts him as a bigot and a religious zealot.

"I believe that all dinosaurs were born of Satanic angel who has sex with woman and the animal kingdom that created ungodly reptilian creatures none of these were on the Ark," Johnson said.

Oh, and also an idiot.

I'm no fan of persecuting people for their manner of thinking, or prohibiting them their right to free speech (actually the same that unfortunately is used by the Westboro Baptist Church to mock soldier's funerals). But I'm sure these kind of remarks, coming out of nowhere, go against any workplace guidelines regarding "hostile work environment". I have gay friends and would really be pissed if someone said that they deserve to die, just because they are gay. It would be the same case as if the victims were black or hispanic.

By the way, I don't question the fact that this guy is wrong about the Bible. I can find some hatred against gays and support for slavery. Of course, just because it is in the bible doesn't make it right. Finally, the dinosaurs part is just pure stupidity.

And finally, because the catholics really like to appear on this blog:

NY archbishop defends pope against sex abuse furor

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan was greeted with applause after finishing Palm Sunday Mass by defending Pope Benedict XVI against suggestions he aided coverups of reports of child abuse.

The leader of the nation’s second-largest diocese urged his congregation to pray for the pope, saying he was suffering some of the same unjust accusations once faced by Jesus.

Exactly, exactly, because Jesus' apostles also used to rape children and them making them swear that, if they loved Jesus, they would say nothing about it. And Jesus, being all-powerful, all-knowing motherloving Jesus, said nothing either. Makes perfect sense.

But that Newyorker isn't the only one. We had the fucking Pope talking about the issue too.

Pope will 'not be intimidated by petty gossip' over sex abuse scandals

Pope Benedict XVI began Holy Week on Sunday by suggesting in his Palm Sunday address that the Catholic Church would "not be intimidated" by the sex abuse scandals sweeping it.

In a clear indication that the Vatican continues to insist the stream of abuse revelations are part of a conspiracy the Pope said: "From God comes the courage not to be intimidated by petty gossip."

There you have it. It's from God. From God the Pope gets the energy and cynicism to say "Your complaints, your suffering, your tears and your pain are irrelevant to me. Go fuck you. After we fucked you."

Finally, I have no funny picture for this post, but instead got a video:

In an ideal world, the President of the United States would have the balls to do that.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Recuerdos del Domingo de Ramos

Hoy fue Domingo de Ramos y por causas ajenas a mi control no he hecho nada de lo que quería hacer.

No quiero dejar pasar este día sin escribir algo pues, así como durante los 12 días antes de navidad, pensé en hacer una "semana non-sancta" con noticias relacionadas a las tonteras a que se nos tiene acostumbrado en nombre de dios.

La primera que se me viene a la mente en este día es una de mis días de catoliquísimo escolar. Cada Domingo de Ramos se nos obligaba cordialmente a asistir a una misa en el colegio, so pena de una mala nota en conducta. Teníamos que llevar una hoja de palma para que el cura director la bendiga echándole agua. Cabe resaltar que las palmas no eran muy difíciles de encontrar pues en la vereda fuera del colegio (que quedaba al costado de una iglesia) los vendedores ambulantes hacían su agosto con la venta de dichas palmas.

Sin embargo, el recuerdo que más fresco tengo en mi memoria y que siempre me hace pensar en lo payaso del asunto es que el cura director "personificaba" el evangelio de ese día entrando al patio central del colegio montado en un burro. Y recuerdo que hubo un año en que al burro no se le dio la gana de prestarse para el juego y el padre no pudo hacer su imitación de Jesucristo.

En ese tiempo me pareció una anécdota común y corriente, pero hoy la veo como la payasada que era. Y es que una cosa era que leyésemos la biblia y hablemos de los valores e ideales cristianos, y otra el hacer un teatro de esto.

Hoy me pregunto, cómo será la vida de los escolares de ese mi colegio teniendo a la mano el conocimiento que la internet pone a la mano. Es más, me pregunto si los curas habrán dicho algo sobre los escándalos que están haciendo remecer a la iglesia católica en Europa. Y por último, qué habría hecho yo al estar en tal siyuación y con tal acceso a las noticias del mundo.

Oh, es cierto. En estos días, San Juan Bosco, el santo fundador de la orden Salesiana, estará en el colegio. O al menos sus restos. O no sé qué llevarán, tal vez sus huesos o algo así.

Lo que sí sé es que eso de que era El Santo de Los Jóvenes" no estará ayudando mucho. Y es que a estas alturas cualquier nexo entre algún cura católicos y los jóvenes es, por decir lo menos, sospechosa.

Las razones sobran:

Dos Cortes estadounidenses evalúan iniciar acciones legales contra el Vaticano por los casos de pedofilia

Ojalá lo hagan. Y es que no se trata de un solo cura, sino del Vaticano, cuyos miembros sabían de los abusos, pero aun así prefirieron mantener la careta de buena moral. Ya en Irlanda algunas cosas van cambiando

La Iglesia irlandesa aparta a un párroco católico de sus funciones

No sé, eso de simplemente separar no me anda haciendo mucha gracia. Normalmente cuando existe un sospechoso de un crimen tan horrendo como es el abuso sexual infantil, se le detiene en una carcel.

Mientras tanto, el Papa se hace el loco y goza de la defensa cerrada de sus esbirr... perdón, curas.

Líder de iglesia polaca defiende al Papa ante escándalo

Según dice el polaco, "este es un intento de desacreditar a la iglesia". Sí, lo es. Y es que una iglesia tan corrupta y cínica, que prefiere ocultar y perpetuar el daño a los niños merece ser desacreditada y ridiculizada.

Y por último, la nota curiosa viene desde México.

Se enfrentan mujeres en Catedral del DF por tema de pederastia

Se puede apreciar claramente el amor de Cristo en esa fervorosa señora que pateó por la espalda a la que acusaba de pederastas al cardenal y al Papa.

Feliz domingo de Ramos.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Want real hatred against gays? Check out the muslims

There is a reason for why this cartoon is so true.

Let's forget for moment about catholic pedophiles (even though I'm sure we'll soon have to remember them). I've criticized the hypocritical position the catholic (and christian churches in general) against homosexual, while at the same time preaching love to everyone. But if you want some real hatred, you have to look at the muslims:

Members of hard-line Islamic groups forced their way into a Surabaya hotel Friday, demanding participants of a planned congress on sexual orientation in the East Java city to leave the country by Sunday.

Secretary-general of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) in East Java, Mohammad Chaeruddin, said the foreigners were told to leave because Surabaya Muslims believed the conference was against religious values and teachings.

The police took no action against the move, condemned by politicians and activists as “unconstitutional” and violating human rights, who said the conference should be seen as “a celebration of democracy and human rights”.

Dozens of foreign participants from Mexico, Canada, the US and 13 Asian countries were scheduled to take part in the 4th regional Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Intersex Association (ILGA) conference scheduled to run from Friday to Sunday.

In other words "Your gay conference goes against my beliefs, and even though you are not pulling me to be there, I don't want you to host it." If this is not intolerance, I don't know what it is.

Oh, yeah. Someone is going to say that these are fanatics, or, as the article says, "hardliners". The difference with christian hardliners is that the christians can insult and protest all they want, but gays (or any other group that is not of their liking) will still be able to gather. But when muslims are involved, in a society that has a majority of them (Indonesia has the largest population of muslims), they are going to be empowered to do as they want, especially when it comes to their disregard of human rights.

Not allowing the gays to have their conference is pure intolerance. Moreover, that intolerance is born from the same book that the more moderate muslims say preaches "peace".

Finally, worse than that, is that police has not wanted to do anything about. The attendees to the conference did not have any protection, and there are very good reasons for them to fear for their lives when angry muslims are involved. I don't know if it is because of fear of retaliation by the muslims, or that the police is so full of them that it preferred to allow them to threaten the gays.

Again, there is a good reason that Mohammed (shit be upon him) cartoon is so true.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Dawkins

Today is Richard Dawkins’ birthday

Richard Dawkins is usually a polarizing figure even among non-believers. But, whether you like him or hate him, it is undeniable that Dawkins is a very important figure within the atheist movement.

I do admire Dawkins. He is the embodiment of the scientist that doesn’t just stays in his laboratory, but goes out and tells the people what he finds and why this is right. That takes balls. That takes cojones. Sometimes in the process he will be overtly aggressive with believers and their beliefs, something I try (very hard) not to do. Sometimes he has disagreements with other scientist. Yes, he is a man. Not god, or a human that enjoys a supposed infallibility.

I usually try not to quote him too much, or at least, more than I would with any other scientist. Actually, Sagan seems to me more “quotable”. Yet, Richard Dawkins is alive and doing a lot of work, more than many other scientists to give science the righteous place it should have in our everyday lives.

So, here you have some of the documentaries that Dawkins have been producing. Whether you like him or not, these documentaries are very interesting and deserve to be seen.

Nice Guys Finish First

This documentary is from 1987. To think that Dawkins has been producing documentaries dedicated to science since I was 3 years old makes me think that his work is a lifetime work.

The Blind Watchmaker

Growing up in the Universe

Break the Science Barrier

Root of all evil

This is the first documentary made by Dawkins that addresses the problem that religion is, or can be. While I agree with most of what it says, some parts are sometimes too harsh on the believers. That could have been addressed differently.

Enemies of Reason

The Genius of Charles Darwin

There are many other videos about Dawkins, but I'll leave just the ones above, since they are documentaries. I'll add one more, that is both enlightening and funny.

I don't want to elevate him to a "celebrity" status, but there is one more picture I'd like to put here. It's what most of us non-believers would think after listening to... well, you'll know what I mean

Whether it is the age of the Earth, the nature of fossils, the question of morality, etc, I think we all have put that face and though that least once when talking to a believer.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ratzinger y los nazis

No pensaba escribir esto, pero ya van varias veces que alguno me sale con lo mismo.

Sí, Joseph Ratzinger perteneció a las Juventudes Hitlerianas y al ejército Nazi.

¿Por qué?

Porque NO tenía otra opción.

En ese tiempo y lugar todo joven que cumplía los 14 años era "levado" y enviado a servir al ejercito nazi. Ratzinger no dijo "quiero matar judíos, voy a enlistarme en el ejército Nazi". Simplemente lo levaron y ya. Incluso le tenía tanto disgusto al ejército Nazi que desertó.

Así que no se les ocurra achacar los errores de Ratzinger a su paso por la milicia alemana, no harán más que hacer el ridículo ante un católico bien informado. Y por un motivo tan obvio que bien puede ser evitado. Se puede entender que los fanaticos religiosos sean ignorantes y hablen disparates, pues sus creencias no les requieren saber, sino simplemente creer.

Un no-creyente no puede darse esas licencias.

Para más información, el New York Times sacó un artículo (en inglés) relatando la experiencia de Ratzinger con los nazis.

Ratzinger tiene mucho de criticable, pero esto no entra en ese rubro. Así pues, mis amigos ateos y agnósticos y en general, gente con suficiente criterio para criticar a la iglesia católica, no se les ocurra mencionar esto. Es más, si lo quieren mencionar como reconocimiento del buen joven que alguna vez fue, en buena hora. Pero no es algo que pueda ser usado como crítica.

Por ahi me preguntan qué hay con la foto en que aparentemente Ratzinger, como sacerdote, hace el saludo nazi. Esta foto.

Qué increíble que haya ateos y no-creyentes en general que estén tan empecinados en creer que Ratzinger fue un nazi confeso como para tirar la razón por la ventana y gritar arengas como si del jihadista más fanático y suicida se tratase.

Si saben algo de la historia de Ratzinger, sabrán que este nació en 1927. Al cumplir 14 años fue levado a las Juventudes Hitlerianas (es decir, en 1941). En 1945, desertó de las filas alemanas (18 años). Cuando la guerra acabó, Ratzinger regresó al seminario y se ordenó en 1951, a los 24 años.

Por lo tanto, Ratzinger recién podría haber oficiado una misa y vestido las ropas de sacerdote después de 1951, años después de que el régimen nazi cayera, un régimen que el mismo Ratzinger detestaba. Así que por demás irracional pensar que podría haber hecho el saludo nazi.

Y por último, si siguen creyendo que esa foto es un saludo nazi, consideren que cuando un sacerdote es ordenado, este debe levantar ambos brazos. Y obviamente, si solo mostramos UNA mano en alto, las mentes menos iluminadas y más fanáticas podrán pensar que se está haciendo el saludo nazi. Pero cuando investigamos con deseo de saber y no simplemente de ser un animal que le va a ladrar a lo que su higado y huevos le dicen que ladre, encontraremos la verdad.

En esa foto están Ratzinger y su hermano siendo ordenados sacerdotes. No hay nada de nazi en el asunto. Así que, si en verdad les interesa la razón y la búsqueda de los hechos, olvídense del nazismo de Ratzinger.

¿Qué tienen en común los Boy Scouts y la Iglesia Católica? – Una historia de intolerancia, violaciones y Dios

Se me ocurren tres cosas que tienen en común. Sigan leyendo, que esto les va a gustar,

Primero, no les gustan los ateos. De acuerdo a su página oficial:

“En el juramento Scout, un Scout promete hacer “servicio a Dios” y en la ley Scout promete ser “reverente”

La Guía del Scout (11ava edición) explica la “tarea del Scout para con Dios” como “Tu familia y líderes religiosos te enseñen sobre Dios y las formas en que lo puedes servir. Haces tus deberes para con Dios al seguir la sabiduría de aquellas enseñanzas cada día y respetando y defendiendo los derechos de los otros para poder practicar las creencias propias”

La Guía del Scout describe “reverente como “Un Scout es reverente hacia Dios. Es fiel en sus deberes religiosos. Respeta las creencias de otros”

Todos los niveles del programa Scout tienen como requisito el reconocer un “deber para con Dios”

Es así que los ateos no son bienvenidos entre sus filas. A la iglesia católica tampoco le gustamos los ateos.

Segundo: No les gustan los homosexuales

Los Boy Scouts de America siempre han reflejado las expectativas de las familias de Scouts han tenido en esta organización

No creemos que los homosexuales provean de un modelo consistente para estas expectativas

De acuerdo con esto, no permitimos el registro de homosexuales abiertos como miembros o líderes de los Boy Scouts de America

Es así que no aceptan homosexuales entre ellos. La iglesia católica, así como la mayoría de iglesias cristianas, al igual que los musulmanes tampoco son muy tolerantes para con los homosexuales.

Y tercero, a los Boys Scouts también les gusta violar niños y encubrir los casos de abuso. Al igual que la iglesia católica.

Los 'Archivos de la perversión', como se han llamado a dichos documentos, rara vez han sido vistos por el público, pero eso podría cambiar en las próximas semanas en un tribunal de Oregón.

El abogado de un hombre que fue abusado sexualmente en la década de 1980 por un líder Scout ha obtenido alrededor de 1.000 archivos de Boy Scouts sobre los abusos que fueron objetos menores y los que se espera se den a conocer en el juicio que comenzó esta semana.

El abogado dice que los archivos muestran cómo los Boy Scouts han encubierto los abusos durante décadas.

Esto suena exactamente como lo que ha venido pasando con la iglesia católica. Un sacerdote viola a varios niños, sus superiores lo saben, pero solo lo transfieren. Incluso el Papa, el mismísimo Papa sabía de esto, pero no dijo nada

Destacadas autoridades del Vaticano, incluido el actual Papa Benedicto XVI -por entonces el cardenal Joseph Ratzinger- no tomaron medidas contra un religioso de Wisconsin que abusó sexualmente de al menos 200 niños sordos en EE UU, según varios documentos eclesiásticos que revela hoy el diario The New York Times.

En 1996, Ratzinger no respondió a dos cartas sobre el caso enviadas por el arzobispo de Milwaukee. En ellas se señala como autor de los abusos al cura estadounidense Lawrence C. Murphy, que trabajó en una prestigiosa escuela para niños sordos entre 1950 y 1974.

Pese a las repetidas advertencias, se opto por intentar acallar el asunto en vez de expulsar del sacerdocio al eclesiástico. Los documentos se han hecho públicos ahora durante un juicio contra la Archidiócesis de Milwaukee.

Excelente forma de cumplir el “No levantarás falso testimonio”, lo cual parece no incluir el quedarse callado cuando se comete un delito. Aun así, Ratzinger se siente muy cómodo criticando a los ateos y homosexuales. Qué tal concha.

Luego de la publicación de estas noticias sobre los Boy Scouts, me siento un tanto alegre de que no acepten ateos. Ningún ateo estará obteniendo estos cuatro premios:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What do the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church have in common? - A story of bigotry, rape, and God

I can name three things they both have in common. Trust me you'll like this.

First of all, they don't like atheists. According to the official Boy Scouts web page:

In the Scout Oath, a Scout promises to do his “duty to God,” and in the Scout Law he promises to be “reverent.”

The Boy Scout Handbook (11th ed.) explains a Scouts’ “duty to God” as “Your family and religious leaders teach you about God and the ways you can serve. You do your duty to God by following the wisdom of those teachings every day and by respecting and defending the rights of others to practice their own beliefs.”

The Handbook explains “reverent” as “A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.”

All levels of advancement in the Scouting program have requirements recognizing “duty to God”

Therefore, atheists are not welcomed in the Boy Scouts. The Catholic church doesn't like them either. Us, actually.

Second: They don't like homosexuals

The Boy Scouts of America has always reflected the expectations that Scouting families have had for the organization.

We do not believe that homosexuals provide a role model consistent with these expectations.

Accordingly, we do not allow for the registration of avowed homosexuals as members or as leaders of the BSA.

Therefore, they don't accept homosexuals among them. The catholic church, and most of the other christian churches, along with the muslisms, are also intolerant towards gays.

And third and final, the Boy Scouts also like to rape children and cover the abuse cases. Just like the catholic church!

The Boy Scouts of America has long kept an extensive archive of secret documents that chronicle the sexual abuse of young boys by Scout leaders over the years. The "perversion files," a nickname the Boy Scouts are said to have used for the documents, have rarely been seen by the public, but that could all change in the coming weeks in an Oregon courtroom.

This sounds exactly like what has been going on in the catholic church. A priest rapes kids, this superiors know, but they only transfer him. Even the Pope, the goddamn Pope knew about this and did nothing about it:

Some years before, as head of the Vatican body investigating abuse by priests, he argued that accused clergymen should not be handed over to secular authorities. Rather, he wrote confidentially to bishops around the world in 2001, they should first be investigated under utmost secrecy within the church — thereby avoiding public hysteria and second-guessing by the media.

So much for "thou shall not bear false testimony", huh? Yet the Pope feel very comfortable talking against atheists and gays. Such hypocrisy is incredible.

After the release of such news about the Boy Scouts, I'm kind of glad that they don't accept atheists. No atheist will be earning these four Scout achievements:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

¿Escuché bien? ¿Una lesbiana obispo?

Sí, leyeron bien.

Iglesia Episcopal de Los Ángeles nombra su primera obispo lesbiana

La diócesis de Los Ángeles de la Iglesia Episcopal, rama del anglicanismo en Estados Unidos, aprobó el nombramiento de su primera obispo lesbiana a pesar de las críticas internas, informó hoy la prensa local.

Esto no es algo que se escuche muy a menudo. En general, las iglesias cristianas no ven con buenos ojos el que sea una mujer la que guíe al rebaño de fieles, por no mencionar lo intolerantes que son para con los homosexuales. Así que supongo que esto es algo bueno.

Por supuesto, no todo el mundo está feliz. Y es que, estamos hablando de una lesbiana.

A pesar de que la Iglesia Episcopal continúa formando parte de la comunidad mundial anglicana, el arzobispo de Canterbury y líder espiritual de esta rama del cristianismo, Rowan Williams alertó en diciembre a los clérigos estadounidenses de que la elección de un homosexual como obispo "arrojaría serias preguntas" sobre su continuidad en el anglicanismo.

La única pregunta que me hago yo es como algo tan sensato como el darle el derecho a los homosexuales de ser también guías a un Dios que supuestamente ama a todas sus criaturas, puede ser algo malo. Esto definitivamente tiene más sentido que el predicar en contra de la homosexualidad y al mismo tiempo proteger a los sacerdotes que violan niños (habla, iglesia católica), o el ser un pastor famosísimo que predica en contra de los homosexuales, y luego de un tiempo ser ampayado en una situación muy gay (habla, Ted Hagard).

"Estoy entusiasmada. Es hora de celebraciones, sé que hay gente que puede no estar contenta con esto y estoy comprometida en llegar a esas personas con mi propia mano y mi propio corazón", dijo Glasspool, hasta ahora ayudante del obispo de Maryland, tras conocer la noticia.

Qué lindo. Ojalá que la iglesia Episcopal se convierta en una alternativa para los homosexuales que aun creen en un Dios y desean ser parte de una comundad religiosa sin ser rechazados, discriminados, satanizados o maldecidos.

¿No crees en toda esa basura?
Nosotros tampoco
La iglesia episcopal te da la bienvenida

OMFFSM! A lesbian bishop!

Yes, you read well.

Episcopalians Confirm a Second Gay Bishop

A majority of bishops and dioceses of the Episcopal Church have approved the election of the church’s second openly gay bishop, the Rev. Mary D. Glasspool, a decision likely to increase the tension with fellow Anglican churches around the world that do not approve of homosexuality.

This is not something that happens very often. Usually christian churches don't like to see women leading the faithful, not to mention the bigotry against gays. So I guess this is a good thing.

Of course, not everyone is happy. Because, you know, she's a lesbian:

Conservative prelates in the Communion had asked the Episcopal Church to refrain from electing any more openly gay bishops, but Episcopalians passed a resolution at their convention in 2009 saying that the church should be open to the ministry of all qualified people, regardless of sexual orientation.
Yeah, that makes sense. It's nice to see a church actually making sense of something, instead of preaching against gays and then trying to hide rapes committed by priests, or famous mega-preachers been found out being gay.

Bishop Glasspool, who has been serving in Maryland as an adviser to the bishops for nine years, said Wednesday in an interview: “I feel overjoyed. I feel relieved. I’m breathing again.”

How sweet. Hopefully the Episcopalian church will be an alternative for gays who still believe in a God and want to be part of a religious community without being hated, discriminated, ostracized or damned to hell.

To know more about the Episcopalian Church, you can visit www.episcopalchurch.org

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feliz día de San Patri… oh, esperen, a la iglesia católica no le va muy bien en Irlanda.

Hoy es el día de San Patricio, un santo Irlandés, y dice la tradición que todos debemos llevar algo de verde. Yo no lo tengo, qué vergüenza. Pero por otro lado, más avergonzada ha de andar la iglesia católica.

El primado de la Iglesia en Irlanda pide perdón por los abusos

El primado de la Iglesia Católica irlandesa, el cardenal Sean Brady, ha pedido perdón por haber ocultado el caso de abusos de menores cometidos por un sacerdote pederasta en los pasados años setenta.

No me imagino como esto puede ser más indignante de lo que ya es. Tenemos a la cabeza de la iglesia católica irlandesa, ojo, no a cualquier cura, sino al líder de los católicos irlandeses admitiendo el haber sabido y, en otros reportes, admitiendo el haber estado presente cuando a los niños se les decía que no hablen del abuso del que eran víctimas. Si esto no es malvado, entonces no sé qué lo sea.

Pero hay más:

El primado, que siendo sacerdote en 1975 estuvo presente en una reunión en la que se pidió a dos niños víctimas de los abusos del cura Brendan Smyth que hicieran un voto de silencio.

No me puedo imaginar como puede haber sucedido tal cosa. Tal vez algo así: “Ok, niños, no vayana a decir nada de cómo hemos abusado de ustedes, de cómo los hemos tocado, acariciado y sodomizado, porque, ustedes saben, podría ser malo para la iglesia a la cual ustedes y yo pertenecemos. Sí, sé que han quedado marcados de por vida, sé que estamos en contra de la homosexualidad y que acabamos de cometer un delito que es penado con cárcel en cualquier parte del mundo, pero no digan nada. ¿Hipocresía? No, no somos hipócritas porque… bueno, sí somos,, pero somos la iglesia católica, fundada por el mismísimo hijo de Dios. Así que no nos interesa. Ahora pónganse de rodillas y vuélvanla a chupar, y esta vez tráguense todo, piensen que es una hostia líquida, ok?

¿Suena feo, no? Bueno, de acuerdo a las noticias, este no fue el único caso, sino que los abusos sucedieron durante años

Las declaraciones de la iglesia no explican por qué el cardenal Brady o sus superiores en aquel tiempo no compartieron la información que tenían con la policía. El padre Smyth siguió abusando de más niños durante los siguientes años.

Durante la misa del día de San Patricio el Miércoles, el cardenal Brady dijo “Esta semana un episodio muy doloroso de mi pasado ha venido ante mi”

Apuesto que más doloroso ha sido para las víctimas, así que, de ninguna forma ninguna de estos curas puede gozar de mi simpatía, por más perdón que pidan. Tampoco la iglesia católica, la cual merece ser criticada y ridiculizada. No estamos hablando de un solo caso o de casos aislados. Estamos hablando de varios casos que eran del conocimiento de altos oficiales católicos y de los cuales ninguno dijo nada.

Y si ahora se sienten apenados y avergonzados, es solo porque estos casos salieron a la luz. De otra forma, nadie de dentro de la iglesia habría dicho nada.

Así que, mis amigos católicos, este es el tipo de pastores al que, no necesariamente siguen, pero aquel al que esa institución llamada iglesia católica apoya y protege.

Happy St. Pat... oh, wait, the Catholic Church is not having a great day in Ireland

Today is St. Patrick's Day and I don't have anything green on. Shame on me, I guess. On the other hand, the Catholic Church is having a not very nice time in Ireland either.

Cardinal Sean Brady ashamed of abuse 'failings'

As a priest in 1975 Cardinal Sean Brady was at meetings where children signed vows of silence over complaints against paedophile priest Fr Brendan Smyth.

How more outrageous can this get? We have the head of the Irish catholic church, not only a priest, but the fucking head of the Irish Catholics admitting to being present while kids were told not to talk about the abuse they had been victims. If this isn't evil, then I don't know what is.

But there is more:

On Tuesday, the Catholic Church in Ireland released more details about why Cardinal Brady asked two victims, aged 10 and 14, to sign secrecy agreements.

The church said the boys were asked to sign oaths "to avoid potential collusion" in evidence-gathering for an internal church inquiry.

I can't imagine how this could have gone. Maybe "Ok boys, don't you say anything about how we abused, touched, caressed and sodomized you, because, you know, this could be bad for the church to which you and I belong. Yes, I know you are now scarred for life, I know we are against homosexuality and I know we just committed a crime that could land us in jail in any country, but don't you say anything. Hypocrisy? No, it is not, because... well, it is, but we are the Catholic Church, I mean, the fucking Catholic Church, founded by the Son of God himself. So we don't care. Now, on your knees and start sucking again. And this time, swallow it and imagine it's a liquid host"

Sounds awful, doesn't it? Well, according to the releases, this was not the only case, but the abuse went on for years.

The church statement did not explain why either Cardinal Brady or his superiors at the time did not share their information with the police. Fr Smyth went onto abuse more children in the following years.

Delivering his St Patrick's Day mass on Wednesday, Cardinal Brady said: "This week a painful episode from my own past has come before me.

I bet it was more painful for the victims, so, I'm sorry, but can't feel sorry for those priests. Nor for the catholic church in general, which deserves to be criticized and looked down. We are not talking about just one priest or one case. We are talking about several cases that were known by the very high officials and no one said anything. If now they feel sorry and apologize it's just because this report came out. Otherwise, nothing would have been said.

So, my catholic friends, this is the kind of shepherd you, not necessarily follow, but the one supported by that institution named Catholic Church

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Texas Education Chainsaw Massacre

Remember that movie in which a group of cannibals killed a group of friends who were around? Well, nowadays we have our own massacre in Texas. This time, the victims were the textbooks to be used in schools, and the cannibals that slashed them, the members of the Texas Board of Education.

Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change

After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of American capitalism, questioning the Founding Fathers’ commitment to a purely secular government and presenting Republican political philosophies in a more positive light.

In other words:
1. Capitalism is great, Amurricah is numbah 1!!!
2. The Founding fathers had no intention of making this a country with religious freedom
3. They were also republicans, the same kind of republicans we have today kissing big businesses asses and screwing the poor

I won’t say much about 1 and 3 (even though I should, but I’m pretty sure there are many out there who will do it better than me). But number 2 is important and must be addressed.

First of all, why is Texas so important when it comes to education and textbooks?

The board, whose members are elected, has influence beyond Texas because the state is one of the largest buyers of textbooks.

Which means that the editors will do what they need to do to sell to the biggest buyer. And the rest? Well, fuck the rest, Texas is bigger.

And also, more stupid:

In recent years, board members have been locked in an ideological battle between a bloc of conservatives who question Darwin’s theory of evolution and believe the Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles, and a handful of Democrats and moderate Republicans who have fought to preserve the teaching of Darwinism and the separation of church and state.

First of all, it’s not a great idea to elect the board of education. When it comes to education, those who should be in charge are educators, the highest of the highest, meaning scientists, psychologists, mathematicians, linguists, etc. Not random guys that will represent the people. When it comes to policies it’s nice to represent the people, actually, it’s the best we have. But when it comes to education, people just don’t know. As a whole, they don’t know. Especially when these people will prefer to believe their favorite myth book than actual science.

This also apply when those nutjobs don’t want their bibles out of the state-given education:

“I reject the notion by the left of a constitutional separation of church and state,” said David Bradley, a conservative from Beaumont who works in real estate. “I have $1,000 for the charity of your choice if you can find it in the Constitution.”

I just found it, in the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

No establishment of religion, as simple as that. If the founding father had meant this to be a “christian nation” the first amendment would have read something like this:

“The Congress of the United States of America, by the power given by the Almighty God and His Only Son Jesus Christ establishes that our country in God will not prohibit free exercise of religion as meant to honor our dear Lord; will not abridge the freedom of speech, as our Lord has given us the power to speak out, or of the press, or of the people to assemble, especially in order to pray to our Lord or to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”

Remember that at that time there was no ACLU, or American Atheists, or Freedom From Religion Foundation, or U.N. If they had wanted to make of this a Christian Nation no one would have stopped them. But they didn’t. They clearly wrote down “No establishment of religion”. Is it that hard to understand?

Mavis B. Knight, a Democrat from Dallas, introduced an amendment requiring that students study the reasons “the founding fathers protected religious freedom in America by barring the government from promoting or disfavoring any particular religion above all others.”

It was defeated on a party-line vote.

After the vote, Ms. Knight said, “The social conservatives have perverted accurate history to fulfill their own agenda.”

Is it that bad that the government has a neutral stand regarding to religion, giving to all of them the same rights, in other words, giving equality to them?

To the normal mind, no. But to the religious zealots who are in power (and this also applies to the catholic church) it’s very important to keep the power, even if that means inequality right in our faces.

That seems pretty un-American to me. Yet those conservatives are the ones that claim to be “patriotic” and “all American”.

I bet the conservatives would be up in arms and forming Tea Parties if the Democrats had cut out some historical figure. But that’s what the conservatives just did:

Cynthia Dunbar, a lawyer from Richmond who is a strict constitutionalist and thinks the nation was founded on Christian beliefs, managed to cut Thomas Jefferson from a list of figures whose writings inspired revolutions in the late 18th century and 19th century, replacing him with St. Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and William Blackstone. (Jefferson is not well liked among conservatives on the board because he coined the term “separation between church and state.”)

Oh come on. So these people just erase part of history, just erase part of a great idea so that their favorite myths book isn't displaced from education? What was I thinking when coming to this country and thinking I wound find a place in which knowledge and science and social liberties were cherished and respected? There is still so much work to do. Conservative ideas might have really good things to offer, but since they come usually entangled with such unscientific views and hypocritical positions, it is just hard to take them seriously.

Finally, Professor Eugenie Scott explains how Creationism is still crazy after all these years. Also she explains what is the position scientists have regarding this issue. She also talks about the influence Texas has.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers

Yes, today is the “National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers”.

Sounds a little bit weird, it will piss off conservatives, not to mention religious zealots, but when thinking about it, it makes sense. Just as there is a day to remember soldiers who serve our country out there facing lots of difficulties, it is only reasonable to at least thank doctors who provide abortions.

I’m really no big fan of abortion. I don’t like the idea of a couple having unprotected sex and then going to fix the problem after 5 or 6 months. But I am a big fan of freedom, freedom to choose and freedom to get educated. Abortion , while a not very nice solution is a solution to be taken into consideration, especially in cases that don’t involve irresponsibility from the couple.

I’ll quote two cases that depict why a day such as today is necessary.

Last year, in Brazil, a 9-year-old girl had been repeatedly raped by her stepfather, who got her pregnant with twins. According to the doctor, to carry on the pregnancy would have meant the little girl’s death, so the doctor determined that the best solution was to get her an abortion.

How did the catholic church react? By opposing to the abortion and threatening the doctor and the girl’s family with an excommunication. Apparently, for the catholic church the only thing that is important is the life of the babies that, very probably, would have had a very miserable life, since it’s very unlikely that the catholic church would have taken care of them. It doesn’t matter if the little girl dies, that’s “God’s law”:

The Church excommunicated the doctors who performed the procedure as well. "God's laws," said the archbishop, dictate that abortion is a sin and that transgressors are no longer welcome in the Roman Catholic Church

Notice that, the doctor and the girl’s family were excommunicated, but not the stepfather. I can’t help but to think that the catholic church is kind of a fan of rape.

The doctor who performed the abortion was pressured not do his job, he was threatened with “excommunication”, which is not really a big deal, but there is always the danger that a Christian terrorist would take God’s law in his hands and attack the doctor.

Thank you catholic church. Thank you from discouraging a doctor from saving a life and putting his own in danger.

But the Catholics are not the only crazy about abortion. That’s a title that evangelicals have.

Today is the day in which we commemorate abortion doctors, since it was10 years ago that Dr. David Gunn was killed by a Christian activist:

David Gunn never set out to be a symbol. He wanted to deliver babies. But then an abortion clinic asked for help, and because no other doctor would do the job, performing abortions in the rural South became Dr. Gunn's life. There were wanted posters with his name on them, people following him late at night, hate mail, death threats, protesters yelling "Murderer!" Dr. Gunn kept three guns in his car -- one in the glove compartment, one under the seat and one in the trunk.

He is not the only doctor killed by Christian zealots. Last year Dr. George Tiller was killed by Scott Roeder, a Christian man who felt very strong against abortion, in great part for watching the 700 club, with official idiot Pat Robertson.

I don’t think that doctors Tiller, Gunn and the Brazilian doctor like to do such a job. But someone has to do it when the circumstances arise. Christian fanatics don’t think further than the fact that life is being terminated and refuse to see other factors playing a role in the case. That is the kind of thinking that religion considers a virtue: A lack of critical thinking and a sheep-like mind that just does what it is told to do, regardless of how sense it makes and (in this case) without minding that another person’s life is at risk.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sexo gay en El Vaticano, matrimonio gay en Washington DC

Esto me empieza a hacer pensar que a los católicos con poder les gusta el sexo gay. No han pasado ni dos días desde que el congresista anti-gay y conservador fuese encontrado saliendo de un gay bar. Y ahora tenemos noticias de otro escándalo que mezcla a los católicos con el sexo gay. Pero esta vez no es simplemente un congresista católico. Esta vez llegamos hasta el Vaticano.

Nuevo escándalo sacude al Vaticano por nexo con red prostitución

Uno de los ayudantes del Papa Benedicto XVI y un miembro de un coro de elite de la Basílica de San Pedro han sido implicados en una red de prostitución gay, en el último escándalo que envuelve al Vaticano.

Este “ayudante” del Papa es exactamente, qué cosa?

un grupo de elite denominado "Gentilhombres de Su Santidad", quienes son llamados para trabajar en el Palacio Apostólico del Vaticano en ocasiones importantes como cuando el Papa recibe a jefes de Estado o preside eventos relevantes.

Para ser alguien tan importante debe ser alguien bastante digno de servir a quienes representan a Dios. Quien por cierto, debe estar dando saltos, pues de acuerda a “su” iglesia

Los actos homosexuales son intrínsecamente desordenados. Son contrarios a la ley natural. Cierran el acto sexual al don de la vida. No proceden de una verdadera complementariedad afectiva y sexual. No pueden recibir aprobación en ningún caso.

Mientras tato, en Washington DC el matrimonio homosexual es legal. Los homosexuales se preparan para casarse, un derecho que deberían tener por el simple hecho de ser ciudadanos, como cualquier otro, y porque al casarse obtienen bastantes beneficios que no obtendrían con otro tipo de uniones. DC pudo hacer lo que California, gracias a los intolerantes creyentes, no pudo obtener: igualdad.

Quotable Quote XLV

Denialism 101: The technique is to pick (or invent) a small area of controversy
in an otherwise consensus area of science, and then claim the whole enterprise is flawed. Worked for tobacco and cancer, worked for evolution, and now for global warming

Eugenie C. Scott

Gay sex in the Vatican, gay marriage in DC

This is making me think that catholics in power like gay sex. It hasn't been more than two days since a conservative, anti-gay legislator was found coming out from a gay bar. Yet, we have news from another scandal involving gay sex. This time it's not just a catholic legislator, but people from The Vatican.

Vatican chorister sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for papal gentleman-in-waiting

The Vatican was today rocked by a sex scandal reaching into Pope Benedict's household after a chorister was sacked for allegedly procuring male prostitutes for a papal gentleman-in-waiting.

Angelo Balducci, a Gentleman of His Holiness, was caught by police on a wiretap allegedly negotiating with Thomas Chinedu Ehiem, a 29-year-old Vatican chorister, over the specific physical details of men he wanted brought to him. Transcripts in the possession of the Guardian suggest that numerous men may have been procured for Balducci, at least one of whom was studying for the priesthood.
A Gentleman of "his holiness"... and that is...
ceremonial ushers of the papal household. In the words of a 1968 ordinance, they are expected to "distinguish themselves for the good of souls and the glory of the name of the Lord".

The Lord must be thrilled. Especially since his church, the Catholic church (according to the catholics) states in its catechism that:

homosexual acts "are intrinsically disordered" and "Under no circumstances can they be approved."

Meanwhile, in Washington DC, gay marriage is legal. Gays go and get in line to get married, a right they should have because they are citizens, just like anyone, and because by getting married they get lots of benefits that any other kind of partnership can't get. DC got what California, thanks to the bible-thumping bigots, could not get: Equality.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Congresista anti-gay, católico y republicano es arrestado. Por conducir ebrio. Al salir de un bar gay

Este es el tipo de titulares que me encanta leer. Muestra perfectamente cuan hipócrita es este tipo de gente. Votan en contra de los derechos de los homosexuales, por lo general con la idea de que su estilo de vida es errado e inmoral, para después ser encontrados en una situación igual o hasta peor.

Tal como el pastor evangelista Ted Haggard. (Encontrado contratando prostitutos varones)

Tal como el congresista Mark Sanford (engañando a su esposa con una amante en Argentina)

Tal como el congresista Mark Foley (acusado de pedir favores sexuales a sus ayudantes varones)

O como el congresista Larry Craig (pidiendo favores sexuales de un hombre en un baño público)

O el congresista Michael Duvall (quien se ufanaba de sus proezas sexuales con su amante frente a un micrófono encendido)

Otro que muerte el polvo. Otro republicano, conservador social, pro matrimonio tradicional (léase, anti gay), creyente y temeroso de dios, campeón de los valores, muerde el polvo.

Senador anti-gay Roy Ashburn arrestado por conducir ebrio luego de dejar bar gay.

La policía de California reportó que el senador estatal Roy Ashburn (Republicano de California) fue arrestado el miércoles en la mañana por conducir en estado de ebriedad. La policía dice que Ashburn fue detenido luego de haber abandonado el popular bar gay de Sacramento, Faces

Un reporte policiaco indica también que Ashburn, un fiero oponente de los derechos de los homosexuales, quien se opone totalmene al matrimonio homosexual, fue detenido con un hombre no identificado en el asiento del pasajero de su auto entrado por el gobierno.

Me pregunto qué hacía este congresista en dicho bar. ¿Tal vez orando por las almas de los homosexuales? ¿Tratando de conseguir votantes? ¿Alentando a los gays que se vayan a confesar? (recordemos que este tipo es católico) ¿Qué creen?

Anti-gay Republican Catholic senator arrested. Drunk. After leaving gay bar

That is the kind of headline I love to see. It just shows how much of a hypocrite these people are. They legislate against rights for homosexuals, usually under the assumption that their lifestyle is wrong and unmoral, only to be found doing the same.

Just like evangelical Ted Hagard

Just like congressman Mark Sanford

Or congressman Mark Foley.

Or congressman Larry Craig

Another one bites the dust. Another republican, social conservative, pro-traditional family (meaning, anti-gay), god-fearing, values champion bites the dust.

Anti-gay Senator Roy Ashburn arrested for drunk driving after leaving gay club

Police in California report State Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Calif.) was arrested early Wednesday morning for drunk driving. Cops say Ashburn was pulled over after leaving the popular Sacramento gay nightclub, Faces.

A police report also indicates Ashburn, a fierce competitor of gay rights who stands staunchly against gay marriage, was stopped with an unidentified man in the passenger seat of his state-issued car.

I wonder what this guy was doing at such bar. Maybe praying for those gay souls? Trying to get voters? Conducting a study on gay life? Encouraging gays to give up something for lent? (by the way, this guy is catholic). What do you think?

Oh my Cat!

Let's all praise our Lord Jesus Cat!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nuevo estudio: Liberales y ateos son más inteligentes

No es nada que no hayamos pensado antes, pero es agradable el verlo confirmado. Por supuesto, mas tarde podría salir otro estudio que desmienta las afirmaciones de este, pero, hasta ahora, tenemos una buena señal de que dicho estudio confirmaría el actual.

Los liberales y los ateos son más inteligentes? Estudio encuentra que la gente inteligente tiene valores nuevos dentro de la historia evolutiva del hombre.

Estadísticamente es mas la gente inteligente que tiende a exhibir valores sociales, religiosos y preferencias políticas que son nuevas al ser humano como especie dentro de la historia evolutiva. Específicamente, el liberalismo y el ateísmo, y para los hombres (pero no para las mujeres), el preferir la exclusividad sexual, se relaciona con una inteligencia mas elevada, dice el estudio.

Exacto, “tiende”. Lo cual no significa que todo liberal va a ser mas inteligente que cualquier conservador. Pero al juntar a varios de estos y compararlos nos da un resultado como el de arriba.

El estudio, publicado en Marzo del 2010 en el periódico científico revisado Social Psychology Quarterly…

Revisado, en el sentido de que ha sido revisado por otros científicos que han estado de acuerdo.

En el estudio, Kanazawa (el autor del estudio) argumenta que los humanos están diseñados evolutivamente a ser conservadores, a preocuparse principalmente por su familia y amigos, y el ser liberal, el preocuparse por un numero indefinido de personas genéticamente sin relación y con quienes nunca interactuarán ni conocerán, es algo nuevo evolutivamente. Es así que los niños mas inteligentes tienen mas probabilidad de ser liberales.

Mientras que el matón de la escuela que sacaba puros ceros puede estar en camino a convertirse en un columnista que apoya el bombardear a los nativos.

De forma similar, la religión es un producto colateral de la tendencia humana a percibir intervención e intención como causas de los eventos, al ver la “mano de dios” detrás de fenómenos normalmente naturales. “Los humanos están designados evolutivamente para ser paranoicos, y creen en Dios debido a que son paranoicos: dice Kanzawa. Este sesgo innato hacia la paranoia ha sido útil al ser humano cuando la protección y preservación de sus familias y clanes dependían de extrema vigilancia de todos los peligros potenciales. “Así, los niños más inteligentes tienden más a crecer e ir en contra de la tendencia evolutiva a creer en Dios, y se convierten en ateos.”

La paranoia puede ser fácilmente vista durante estos días. Con varios terremotos en los últimos días, algunos religiosos no nos han fallado y han salido a decir que “Esto es obra de Dios”. En realidad, según esta gente, cualquier desastre que suceda puede ser “obra de Dios” en castigo por algo que a dichos religiosos no les agrada, ya sea el matrimonio homosexual o gente que cree en algo que no sea el cristianismo.

Entonces, ¿Cuál puede ser la moraleja de la historia? No que ahora puedas creerte lo máximo y mirar por encima del hombro a otros sin siquiera conocerlos. Puede que seas la excepción a la regla. La moraleja de la historia (si es que hay una) puede ser que si eres un liberal ateo no hay nada de lo que estar avergonzado. No hay razón para decirle nada a tu pariente fanático de la biblia. No hay razón para permanecer callado ante los despotricos de un conservaduro. Si estás en desacuerdo es bastante probable que sea porque eres más inteligente y porque te preocupas por otros (gente de otras creencias, extranjeros, homosexuales, etc.) o porque has evolucionado lo suficiente como para no ser paranoico con todo lo que te rodea. Pero recuerda siempre el pensarlo dos veces. No vaya a ser que seas la excepción a la regla.

Science: Liberals and atheists are more intelligent

Nothing that we hadn't thought, but this is a nice way to confirm it. Of course, later might come another study that challenges this, but so far, this is a pretty good sign of what might be the result of such study

Liberals and Atheists Smarter? Intelligent People Have Values Novel in Human Evolutionary History, Study Finds

More intelligent people are statistically significantly more likely to exhibit social values and religious and political preferences that are novel to the human species in evolutionary history. Specifically, liberalism and atheism, and for men (but not women), preference for sexual exclusivity correlate with higher intelligence, a new study finds.

Yeah, more likely. That doesn't mean that every liberal will be smarter than any conservative, but put a bunch of them together and you get a result like the above.

The study, published in the March 2010 issue of the peer-reviewed scientific journal Social Psychology Quarterly

Peer-reviewed. Like in many scientists check that and agreed.

In the current study, Kanazawa argues that humans are evolutionarily designed to be conservative, caring mostly about their family and friends, and being liberal, caring about an indefinite number of genetically unrelated strangers they never meet or interact with, is evolutionarily novel. So more intelligent children may be more likely to grow up to be liberals.

While that bully at your school that used to get F's and push around? Might end up with a radio show that tells teabaggers what to do.

Similarly, religion is a byproduct of humans' tendency to perceive agency and intention as causes of events, to see "the hands of God" at work behind otherwise natural phenomena. "Humans are evolutionarily designed to be paranoid, and they believe in God because they are paranoid," says Kanazawa. This innate bias toward paranoia served humans well when self-preservation and protection of their families and clans depended on extreme vigilance to all potential dangers. "So, more intelligent children are more likely to grow up to go against their natural evolutionary tendency to believe in God, and they become atheists.

You can actually see the paranoia nowadays. With earthquakes around, some religious people wouldn't fail us and came to say "This is the work of God". Actually, anything bad that happens might be the "work of God" for something they don't like, such as gay-marriage or beliefs other than christianity.

So, what are the lessons after this story? No, it's not that you can now be smug and look down on others without even knowing them. You might be the exception to the rule. The moral of the story (if there is one) could be that if you are a liberal non-believer, then you have nothing to be ashamed of. You have no reason to say nothing to your bible-thumping in-law. You have no reason to not stand up against aggressive conservatives. If you disagree, it's likely that you do because you are more intelligent, because you care about others (people of other beliefs, foreigners, gays, etc), or because you are evolved enough not to be paranoid of everything that is around you. But always remember to check that twice. You might be the exception to the rule.

Monday, March 1, 2010

No podía faltar: Arzobispo mexicano considera que terremoto podría ser debido a matrimonio gay

Cuando algún desastre sucede, pareciera que los religiosos hacen un concurso para ver quién dice la mejor estupidez.

Desastres naturales son por la violencia y bodas gays: Martín Rábago

Los terremotos y desastres naturales que han cobrado la vida de cientos de personas puede ser un signo divino ante la violencia y las leyes que permiten la unión legal entre personas del mismo sexo, consideró el arzobispo de León, José Guadalupe Martín Rábago

Si bien el encabezado no es exacto (el arzobispo no lo afirma, pero lo considera), sigue siendo una estupidez. El solo hecho de considerar posible que un desastre natural suceda debido a algo que a la iglesia católica no le agrada es por demás malvado es ilógico. Si gracias a la ciencia podemos saber las causas de los movimientos telúricos (movimiento de las placas tectónicas, ¿se acuerdan?) el único móvil que puede tener alguien para considerar otras razones es ignorancia, y el deseo de permanecer en esta.

Más aun, el decir que el matrimonio homosexual pueda ser la causa, no hace más que alentar el sentimiento en contra de los homosexuales. Cosa que a la iglesia católica no le molesta, pues es odio esparcido en el nombre de Dios.

De verdad, qué asco me da la iglesia católica.

Holanda investiga a los salesianos por abusos a menores

Holanda investiga a los salesianos por abusos a menores

Los salesianos holandeses están siendo investigados por presuntos abusos sexuales a menores entre 12 y 18 años ocurridos entre 1960 y 1970. Es la primera vez que esta orden es acusada de un delito similar en el país, y las pesquisas se centran en el internado Don Rua, junto a la frontera alemana. Con capacidad para un centenar de chicos, los sacerdotes tenían alumnos favoritos a los que llamaban con la excusa de darles una medicina, según las víctimas. Luego los vejaban. Entre los denunciantes hay también niñas.

Yo siempre he sido enemigo de andar disculpando y adorando todo aquello que tiene relación con uno sin que uno lo haya pedido. Por tal motivo varias veces se me ha tachado de antinacionalista por criticar a mi propio país, de homosexual por "no apoyar a mi género" al apoyar los derechos de los homosexuales, de anti-americano, por criticar a USA (donde vivo actualmente) y demás frutas.

Y puesto que pasé mi niñez siendo educado en un colegio Salesiano, no puedo evitar el sentirme atraído por lo que concierna a estos. Me vacila la vida de San Juan Bosco, por ejemplo.

Pero no por eso voy a dejar de comentar este tipo de delitos. Recuerdo que cuando joven veía a los sacerdotes y salesianos en general como gente admirable y con un poco de Don Bosco en ellos. Solo por ser salesianos. Afortunadamente ya no caigo más en ese bache. Pero aun hay otros que lo hacen. La idea es cambiar esa mentalidad, que no porque alguien viste un hábito, o porque pertenece a una orden, o porque habla bonito de Dios, es alguien confiable.
"Que esté permitido a cada uno pensar como quiera; pero que nunca le esté permitido perjudicar por su manera de pensar" Barón D'Holbach
"Let everyone be permitted to think as he pleases; but never let him be permitted to injure others for their manner of thinking" Barón D'Holbach