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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father killed for preferring to watch soccer game instead of religious program

Happy Father's Day! Yeah. today is Father's Day, so I saved this piece of news from 3 days ago so I could comment on it today.

Police: man killed by family for watching soccer

Police say a South African man who wanted to watch a World Cup match instead of a religious program was beaten to death by his family in the northeastern part of the country.

David Makoeya, a 61-year-old man from the small village of Makweya, Limpopo province, fought with his wife and two children for the remote control on Sunday because he wanted to watch Germany play Australia in the World Cup. The others, however, wanted to watch a gospel show.

My guess is that this man's wife and sons are religious, very, very religious. SO religious that they would kill their own father because he wanted to watch a soccer game instead of their gospel show.

The article doesn't say what religion was the show about. It must be a religion that certainly doesn't advocate love and unity and tolerance. Because if it is, if we are talking about a religion that advocates such principles, then we are looking at a truly epic fail. Yet, it's not very uncommon to see that many who advocate and brag about their religious belief will be those who are more judgmental and intolerant of others' beliefs and lifestyles. We must be talking about a religion that preaches hatred and intolerance. If that were the case, the, why would we need it?

Via Friendly Atheist

Oh, by the way, remember when I said that we don't know for sure what religion we are talking about? Well, maybe someone might want to make and educated guess after checking that more than 70% of South Africa is Christian.


  1. también he visto al revés, padres q matan hijos por ver un partido de fútbol, hermanos q se que matan por ver MTV, hasta por ver teletubbies. Hace no mucho recordé la noticia de un hermano q mató al otro por agarrar su playstation sin permiso, y osea es culpa de la religión o del futbol o del playstation o de gente con una mantalidad tan pobre q se fanatiza por cualquier huevada al punto de matar por ella?

  2. Cierto, que la gente se mata por los motivos más pavos; sin embargo, si estamos hablando de una religión que predica amor al proójimo, vivir en paz, etc, entonces debería ser la última causa de muerte. Ni el playstation ni MTV predican ese tipo de valores, su meta es otra, divertir, entretener, como quieras ponerle. Pero la mayoría de las religiones predican ese tipo de valores, y más aun, le dan un valor al creer fervorosamente, tan fervorosamente que tenemos que ver este tipo de situaciones.


Blasfema libremente

"Que esté permitido a cada uno pensar como quiera; pero que nunca le esté permitido perjudicar por su manera de pensar" Barón D'Holbach
"Let everyone be permitted to think as he pleases; but never let him be permitted to injure others for their manner of thinking" Barón D'Holbach